Creativity + Innovation at the New Bund Campus!
Monday, March 13 | 5:15-7 PM | Outside of E405 (PCI Lab Space) | Join us tonight!
We will kick off the event with very brief descriptions of our major Interactive Media and Business and our minor Creativity + Innovation, hear from some students about their experiences in our program, and then mingle and chat in small groups to answer questions and get to know you all! Food will be served.
Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium: Pop-up Q&A Sessions this Week!Tuesday & Wednesday, March 14 & 15 | 11 AM-1 PM | 3F, East Building
Application Deadline: Sunday, March 26 | Submit your application!
Announcing the First Year Fellowship Circle!
Application Deadline: Monday, March 20 | Apply Now!
Are you a first-year student motivated to pursue research, service, and leadership? This spring, the Office of Global Awards is launching a pilot fellowship circle that connects first-year students with faculty mentors in their field of interest!
Through a series of workshops, you can gain the research and writing skills to develop a proposal for a project that is uniquely yours. In addition to group workshops and one-on-one meetings, you will connect with alumni and seniors to gain advice and skills for applications, networking, and learn how to integrate coursework, self-directed research and external opportunities. At the end of the semester, successful participants will gain a certificate of completion.
Apply to Be an Academic Peer Advisor!
The application for 2023-2024 Academic Peer Advisors (APAs) is now open! Join the APA group to gain insights on academic procedures, connect with peers, facilitate academic events, and receive training from different offices!
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Academic Resource Center Workshops
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Revising and Editing Essay Drafts
Wednesday, March 15 | 6-7 PM | Room N208 | RSVP
You've got your essay what? Join our Writing and Speaking Fellows as we discuss ways to revise and edit your drafts! We will discuss and practice different strategies to re-read and revise your writing, so as to improve the clarity and coherence of your arguments. This session is open to all students, regardless of course and level. Bring a printed copy of an essay draft that you would like to revise to this workshop!
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Community Engaged Learning
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Lili Time Cafe: Social Impact Talk + Coffee Visit
Friday, March 17, 10 AM-12 PM | Talk Location: Room S301
RSVP by Tuesday, March 14!
In our Qiantan neighborhood, there is a special cafe that creates social value while achieving commercial success. LiLiTime Cafe offers tasty coffee and provides job opportunities for hearing-impaired and autistic people. It became the first “ B Corp” certified cafe in China and opened its second branch in Taikoo Li Qiantan. Join us for a talk and Q&A with LiliTime’s Director of Business Development, Mr. Ian Huang. We will then walk over to LiliTime to have some coffee at their cafe and meet their staff. Open to all community members!
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CEL City Walk: Multicultural Insights on Zhapu Road
Friday, March 17 | 2-5 PM | Meet at North Sichuan Road Metro Station, Exit 2 | RSVP by Wednesday, March 15!
Brought to you by the Office for Community Engaged Learning, this walk explores the densely multicultural Zhapu Road in Hongkou district. From the late 1840s, the American Settlement, “Japantown”, Canton migrants, and a vibrant cinema culture shaped Zhapu Road. We will visit historical sites and witness the impact of recent urban renewal projects in the area. There is no cost for this event but participants are required to submit a brief reflection journal post-walk. Open to all community members!
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Engagement Hours with Econ FacultyFridays, March 17 & March 31 | 12-1 PM | RSVP now for limited seats!
Location: South Corner of 4F Common Area, East Building
Join Econ faculty for free lunch and discussion of any topic of your interest! This is an opportunity for you to connect with Econ faculty and your peers outside of the classroom. Students from all majors and years are welcome!
Committee for Critical Inquiry Workshop: Exploring Intimate Relationships
Hosted by Danielle Elleman from NYU Student Health Center
Friday, March 24 | 9-10:30 PM | Online | RSVP for the Zoom link!
Even the healthiest of relationships take work and skills. Whether you are already in a dating relationship, recently exited one, or are hoping to begin dating soon, this workshop will help you recognize the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships, learn skills for improved communication and conflict resolution, and provide strategies for setting boundaries with your partner. We will also explore how family, culture, and our identities show up in our relationship. This is a trauma-informed workshop that will provide resources and support for students to continue the discussion.
Let’s Talk About: Intimate Relationships
Monday, March 27 | 6-7:30 PM | Location: TBC | RSVP
Why do people seek out intimate relationships? What makes a "good" relationship? Join us for a panel discussion with Professors Pekka Santtila, Hyoungee Kong, and Xuan Li on intimate relationships and sex. Drawing from their research, the panel will dig deep into how we can critically think about intimate relationships in our everyday lives. The panel will be followed by a short Q&A. Light refreshments will be provided.
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IMB & Data Science
Product Innovation with Machine Learning: The Inner Workings of's Data Insights
Friday, March 17 | 4:30-6 PM | Room E303 | RSVP
NYU Shanghai Reads
Words of Nature: Photography Contest and Excursion to Qiantan Leisure Park
Saturday, March 18 | 2-3 PM | Qiantan Leisure Park | RSVP
Learn about the new library website and the new space by RSVPing for a libary tour in the following times and dates!
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The World Languages will be hosting the following three conversational nights at the Lounge W629! See more event information below.
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